Well, to say i am absolutely, erm...i dont even have a word for it...dumbfounded, by what i have just heard, is putting it extremely lightly!!!
Julien arrived about an hour ago, and i told him about my concerns, especially since in the last hour, the numbness has spread into my other toes, and it just doesn't feel right under my cast. Well, not like it did the last month anyway...
He went to speak to the administration of the hospital, and was gone a long time.
When he returned he told me that the hospital refuse to treat me, and will continue to refuse to treat me or give me any services whatsoever until they have a guarantee that they will get their bill paid!
If i develop serious health problems and die in this hospital room, they do not care!
They said that if i require any help then i need to pay cash for it, or nothing will be done.
There is nothing he could do for me tonight!
I have no idea if this will continue to get worse overnight or not? I have taken my anti-inflammatory tablets and hope that this helps in a small way, but according to the net, if this is what i read about, then the only solution is emergency surgery!
Something that even at the very best, i cant hope to have until possibly tomorrow afternoon, if Julien can somehow get them to release me to Santo Domingo public hospital!
I'm really worried about my health. I'm always the optimist, but this is something i have no control over and it is my health we are talking about! Trying to tell myself it'll all be ok, but this is scary shit right now!
It was too late to call the embassy, and they dont have a hotline, so will have to wait til the morning.
Tried to email the South African Embassy, who are located in Cuba, but serve the DR, but all 4 email addresses i found on google searching and their website bounced back to me as undeliverable cos the address doesnt exist!
I sent a long email detailing my treatment and concerns to the UK embassy's email address as well, so i am hoping to possibly hear from them tomorrow?
I have also sent the same email to Amnesty International's offices that serve the America's in the hope they can help as a human rights violation??
I've kinda run out of options, short of getting my mates to pitch up here with a van, and a wheelchair, and carrying me out and driving me to the emergency room in Santo Domingo public hospital!
Julien has said that if there are any complications overnight, to give him a call. I'm not sure what he can do, but maybe drive me to SD hospital??
The legal proceedings will take up to 2 weeks for a decision to be made about paying the hospital through the driver and his wife.
Another 2 weeks without any help, and sitting in this room, will certainly see me pick up some infection, as my staples need to come out, and the dressing has not even been changed in over 3 weeks!
Tonight will be a very worrying night indeed.
I hope i will be around to write more in the morning??!
How crazy is it to think that?
Honestly, i cannot believe how i am being treated here!
I would be better off in prison. In prison if you need medical attention, they send you to a hospital. In this hospital, they treat you like you are in prison, but worse. Cut off all services, and if you get sick, leave you to die!
There must be someone out there who can make a HUGE international stink about this???!!!
Night all.... 8(
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