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Saturday, November 5, 2011

A turn for the worse...

On monday the 10th of October i had just finished another days worth of website building at the dive centre. It was time to head home, around 5pm.

The dive centre was having a staff meeting of the 2 dive centre's, one in the town where i stayed, 10 miles away, and the one where i worked.

One of my work colleagues was at the meeting. He worked at the other dive centre.

He offered me a lift home on his 125cc motorbike and i accepted.

About 5min down the road, on an S-bend, a car came flying towards us on the wrong side of the road, leaving us nowhere to go, and no time to go there anyway!
We swerved to the right (drive on the right side here) to try get off the road, but it was too late, the car had hit us head on!

My work colleague was killed instantly in the crash, and i felt the impact of the vehicle on my left side, fracturing my hip, badly breaking my femur in 2 places, and fracturing my tibia and fibula, before being thrown over the bonnet of the car and ending up in the trees!

My work colleagues were contacted by the first people on the scene, as they saw from my t-shirt where i was working.
They arrived within minutes, and pulled me down out of the trees.
I was screaming in pain with an open fracture of my tibia, and multiple internal fractures of the femur.
An ambulance was called and almost 2h later, arrived to take me to hospital!


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