Friday came and went and once again no-one bothered to fill me in as to what was going on!
I tried to phone my mates to see what was happening, as the lawyers phone was once again off, but i couldn't reach them either.
I was out of money now, and out of food and almost out of call credit.
Friday night supper arrived. A ball of mash half the size of a human fist, and a single boiled egg cut into slivers and placed in a semi circle around the potato.
There was no way i was gonna last on this til morning!
I didn't have a choice though, and just lay here watching tv, dreading the advert breaks because they always involved food adverts of burgers and steaks and seafood! Even McDonalds was starting to look good! I must be hungry!
Saturday i got hold of my mate and he told me that they managed to get my name on the police report. It had cost 2000 peso into someone's pocket and it was done. Like i said, everyone and everything has a price over here!
Saturday evening was another miserable supper. It consisted of the same ball of mash potato, and 2 pieces of ham! Breakfast and lunch had been pretty poor too, so by now i was starving!
One of the nurses here, a spanish girl who spoke decent english who i had made friends with, came in and asked me if i wanted anything. I told her about the tiny bit of supper the last 2 nights, and she said she'd see what she could do.
Unfortunately the kitchen was closed, but she did manage to bring me a packet of biscuits. At least it was something!
Then another Dominican girl came to visit me. She was the same one who had done the interpreting for the hospital's lawyer.
She asked me if there was anything she could get me, and i told her how hungry i was. She went shopping for me, and returned with about $20 worth of food! There were chips, drinks, chocolates, apples, banana's...
She didn't want anything in return. She said it was between her and the Lord, and made sure i had a fridge brought into the room too to keep the fruit in! Then she said goodnight and headed off to her church group.
That saturday night was the best night i had spent here so far. I watched a movie on tv, and enjoyed some good food to go with it.
Sunday was another boring day with nothing to do except watch heaps of football on tv, and no-one to speak to because my phone cards were now finished. No-one phoned either, so i was all alone again...
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