
Help Simon with his medical costs - every cent helps...

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Insurance problems.

My 1st or 2nd day in room 8 i was visited by 2 lawyers.

They were the lawyers of Isidro, my colleague who was killed. They were representing the family in the case, and after his wife had seen me lying in ICU, she had told her lawyers to do me a favour and help me aswell in representation.

My boss was present aswell, as i didnt speak much spanish, and not many people in the hospital, or the DR for that matter, speak english.

I was asked questions, and, as i didnt have any travel insurance (big mistake), they said that they would take my case on and request that the insurance company of the guilty driver (he'd been bailed the same evening by his wife, reportedly $25000) be held accountable for the hospital bill and my recuperation after i left the hospital.

I signed papers saying that they could represent me, and they said not to worry, and that they would be back soon.

It was a very good thing i had been here for 3 months already as i had made a fair few friends, and they were proving invaluable to me now, with phone calls to family, visiting, etc.

If this country was anything like any others, i should be looked after by the insurance companies payout, and apart from a years hiatus before carrying on with my life, shouldn't be affected.

How wrong that thought proved to be...

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