Well, things are already off to a better start than the last week or so.
A nurse came in and i actually had a wash and a shave and got my sheets changes this morning.
TV, aircon and food still not happening, but i'm not really too bothered at the moment.
No nurses came in to see me after this today, and its now 5pm! I might as well be in a bloody motel somewhere in the middle of nowhere! At least there i might have aircon, and a tv!
I started to feel pins and needles in my little toe on my left foot today, and a bit on the outside of my left foot too.
Naturally, this worried me somewhat.
I did some research on the internet, and it might possibly be something called Compartment Syndrome.
This is a medical emergency, and if left untreated, can result in loss of muscle and possibly even death if not remedied in a few days!
The injury site starts swelling up with blood due to the trauma, and as such restricts blood to the toes, causing the pins and needles feeling. The only way to fix this is through an emergency operation where the doctor cuts open the muscle and lets the pressure free. Even in as little as a few hours, muscle death can occur, and if this is the case, it must be cut out! Then, depending on how much has to be removed, you either walk with a limp, or crutches for the rest of your life!
One of the other symptoms is pain in the calf muscle due to the swelling, but i dont have this, so i'm not sure what to make of it?
It is bloody worrying though. I dont even have anyone to ask!
I haven't seen a doctor in over 3 weeks now, and according to a different site, that lists procedures that you follow with this type of injury, you should have the leg raised above your heart level for the first 48h after the operation to stop possible blood clots in the trauma site.
This wasn't done!
Then you should be released to go home after about 3 or 4 days.
Obviously, with my situation, this hasn't happened.
Then in the nxt 6 weeks before the plaster comes off, you should be getting regular xrays taken to show how well the bone is healing.
I haven't even seen a doctor, let alone had any xrays taken, in over 3 weeks now!
I'm freaking out a bit here coos i dont have any idea of how serious this is, and whether i am, at the moment, in danger?! How the hell would i know? No-one wants to even come in my room to ask how i am!
I just spoke to my lawyer, but he just said that the documents have been served, but that it might take up to another 2 weeks to get any verdict from the courts as to what will happen!
By that time i should've already had the cast taken off and be starting physio!
Meantime back at the ranch, i might still need another op, and might not even be here if things are serious and no-one helps me!
Shit, i need to get outta here asap, and at the very least, into a public hospital that can lend me some professional help!
I honestly cannot believe that these doctors can treat a person like this! I thought all doctors take an oath that they will look after the human being first and foremost?!
Shit, this is unbelievable!
I need to get onto someone about my human rights here, but i have no idea who?! I'm trying to spell this out as clearly as possible to my lawyer to speak to the right paople, but i dont know if it's getting through to him?!
Apparently he will be here in an hour to talk with me. Lets hope that is the case!
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