
Help Simon with his medical costs - every cent helps...

Saturday, November 26, 2011


Had a good sleep last night.
Since getting the rest of my stuff from my previous accommodation, have had my ipod and earphones.
The earphones are the mallow type, that you compress and they fit in your ear, and then slowly uncompress to fill the ear canal.
Very effective for sleeping at night as they cancel out a lot of the noise of the road outside my window.

A quiet morning. My helper goes to school every saturday morning, so i have a day of sleeping in.

The guy i was going to get a house with, came round to visit, and to bring me one of those machines that exercises the muscles by putting small electrical impulses into it.

He is a qualified therapist, and has told me he will help me with my full recovery with physio, and also walking, etc.
We have started off with light exercises to the femur part of the left leg, the quads and surrounding muscle, every second day. Slowly will build up the muscle so that when the cast comes off the muscle will be strong enough to support my leg.

He looked at the post-op xrays, and like everyone else except my doctor, has said that by the looks of it, my fibula will need an operation!
On monday i will get a new xray of the tib/fib area, then i can see what has happened to the bones in the last 6 weeks. Then i can make a decision.

Footie on tv, so will be another quiet afternoon...

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