
Help Simon with his medical costs - every cent helps...

Saturday, November 5, 2011

The beginning of the nightmare...

In my first 3 days in room 8 i had already read both books that i had at home that my mates had brought me, and looked through the National Geographic i had been given.

There wasn't much else to do except watch tv.

Every morning i would have the drip bag changed over, a blood sample taken, and every 3 days or so, the canula in my arm would be moved to a different vein.

I had been in the hospital almost a week now since the accident, and still no word from my lawyers?

I had a little money that my friend had left me, so i asked one of the nurses to buy me a phone card, so that i could at least phone my mates or boss and find out what was happening.

The lawyers eventually came back after about 4 days, and told me that this was a very difficult case because i didn't have any travel insurance. The hospital was starting to get anxious about getting their money, and wanted me to come up with a solution.

I was in no financial position to pay the bill, which apparently was close on $20k, and neither was my family!

This was a case for the lawyers to sort out with the insurance company...

My lawyers told me to contact my family and come up with $10k so that i could leave the hospital! I told them i had no money and couldn't pay this ludicrous amount!

They said that they would talk with the hospital and sort things out, and in the meantime they would speak to the insurance company and see what deal they could make with them.
They would get back to me the following day with more news.

Back to a tv whose channels could not be changed, and an aircon that imitated the north pole...


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