
Help Simon with his medical costs - every cent helps...

Monday, November 14, 2011

An uneventful day yesterday, and much the same today.
The girls came back yesterday afternoon and helped me out. Then left again to return today around lunch time.

It seems the pain routine is one of a lot of pain in my hip around 10pm at night, which i battle through til about 11pm or so, then take a pain tablet, which takes about an hour to kick in, and then i get drowsy and drift off to sleep. Before this i cannot lie on my back as the pain is too intense in my hip.
Usually it's a good sleep and i wake up around 9am.

Then around 2pm or so, the pain returns to my hip, and only a pain tablet can give me any relief. Changing positions doesn't really help.

Today been a quiet one again. The girls left here around 6pm, and a couple of mates came to visit. They've just left, so i have the rest of the night to chill out and watch tv some more.

This is what life is gonna be like for the next 2 or 3 months...

Have sent my xrays of my, possibly, bad leg off to a few mates, and my brother, all of whom know someone in the medical field, so am hoping to have some feedback on this soon.

Really cant even begin to think of going into hospital for another op. Just praying its not necessary.

Thats all for now...

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