
Help Simon with his medical costs - every cent helps...

Monday, January 9, 2012


Hey there,
Just a quick post to let you guys know what exercises i am doing to strengthen my legs and upper body.
My left leg I am doing exercises with my helper in the mornings and evenings, and as much as my knee will allow during the day as well.
Normally, about 10min or so of her letting my leg bend as far as it can in a sitting position, and then lifting it slowly back to straight again for me.
After about 10min the knee and muscles have warmed and loosened up enough that i can lift my leg by myself without pain in my knee.
So the next 30 repetitions i do myself, without any help.
Like i say, this is twice a day, and as much as i can in between.
Also twice a day, morning and evening, i do some weight lifting with my right leg to prevent the muscles atrophying there too.
I have taken a 5l water container, and looped my belt through it to form a noose that i put around my ankle, and then support my leg with my hands, and lift to straight and back down again.
This i am doing 30 repetitions of as well.

Lastly, i am using the wheelchair to do dips to strengthen my upper body.
I started a month ago with these exercises, and in the beginning it was 3 sets of 15 dips with a break of about 30s between each set.
When i started it was a struggle to complete the 3 sets, but now i am much stronger and complete them easily.
I am now doing 2 sets of 20 dips, followed by a final set of as many as i can manage, ie, to failure of the muscle.
At the moment my final set i can manage about 30-35.

Just a quick insert for anyone that reads this blog, with the same injury, and was wondering what they could do to exercise, etc...

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