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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Slow progress

Well, its been 2 months since my last post now.
I've been back to the physio a few times and the progress has been painfully slow.
I was hoping that after 2 months i would be noticing a marked improvement, but unfortunately, it is taking a lot longer than i hoped to strengthen my leg.
I have certainly noticed sum strength improvements, and mobility that wasn't there pain-free before, so this is encouraging.
I can now quite comfortably lie on my sides when i sleep, where as before i couldn't lie for long on my left side. Also, before when i used to fall asleep, i would have twitching of my quad muscle that would pull my leg straight, causing much pain. This seems to have lessened to the point of almost not happening anymore.
My physio exercises are getting a bit easier to get thru without any pain, and i have upped the length of time i am holding the contractions of the exercises for, from 7 to 10 seconds.
The straight leg raise is still giving me a lot of pain in my quad muscle 2 days after the exercises. Its just muscle pain, but most uncomfortable. I am alternating every other day with this exercise, to give my quad a rest in between.
The pain in the side of the knee is still there, but does seem to be recurrent a tiny bit less often now, although i can still not put my foot on the floor without pain.
My return to the hospital is in 1 months time, and my physio that i see every 2 weeks, reckons that i might be strong enough in a month for the doctors to let me go thru the next round of operations.
But a lot of hard work will need to be put in before then.
Its very difficult to stay positive knowing that i will still need another 2 major operations, with each one bringing its own 4-6 months recovery period!
I am busying myself with furthering my career with studies and courses in the meantime, and trying to line up some sort of business ventures in order to bring in some money, as i am still not working.
Unfortunately, its hard enough to find a job where i stay if you are able bodied, let alone on crutches!
Here's hoping that the next month goes well and that the doctors reckon i can get underway with the ACL reconstruction soon...

1 comment:

  1. At least it is going in the right direction, take care bud!!
