They may seem rather simple, but for a very atrophied leg, they are rather challenging. The same pain in the side of the knee continues to hinder me, and makes even the simplest movements such as sitting and standing a painful exercise!
But i'll try my best, as i need to get thru this...

The ticked exercises are the one's that i have been prescribed to start with so long. I have a return date in 2 weeks time to see the physio and she will access my progress and give me some more complicated one's if she sees fit.
The entire workout only takes around 20min to a half hour.
The pain i am feeling in my quads especially from these exercises is tremendous though.
I think they call it DOMS, Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness.
Its from overworking a particular muscle group.
Unfortunately, when your muscles are atrophied to almost nothing, even the easiest workout is going to cause soreness, so i have just been working thru the pain, which at times, has been rather difficult.
But i have no choice...soldier on and get it done...
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