Well, its another 3 weeks on now, and i am starting to feel a little bit stronger.
One thing that i wasn't aware of with my recovery process would be the pain involved as the muscles started to come back.
After my last trip to the physio, i was told that by the 2nd week of June (5 weeks later), she wanted me full weight bearing on my injured leg. She also said that i would start doing lunges and standing on 1 leg and balancing.
So, armed with this information, i went back home and did twice the amount of exercise that i would normally do in a day.
The following day also happened to coincide with a bit of work that i had to do, running through for the next week.
When i woke up in the morning, i could feel that my leg was pretty sore. The muscles were screaming at me, and were very tight.
I soldiered on through the day, hoping that the following day the muscle pain would lessen somewhat.
It didn't.
I stopped doing all my exercises, and just tried to rest my leg each day when i got in from work. I was also on constant pain killers throughout the day in order to make it to the evening.
The pain was located mainly in my quad muscle, and felt like a torn muscle. Very sensitive to the slightest movement or question being asked of it to do some exercise.
Even rolling over in bed was so painful that it woke me up, which made sleeping through the night impossible.
The last 2 weeks has been without exercise now, but i am finally at a point now where i have begun my walking exercises in the car park again.
My knee certainly feels a bit stronger, and the muscle pain is still there, but bearable to do light exercise again.
Tonight i will get back into my exercise routine.
The range of motion of my knee has remained constant at about 90 degrees, but i have not been stretching for the last 2 weeks, so i haven't tried to extend that as yet.
My quad muscle is still very tight and knotted, and i have bought sum Arnica oil with Deep Heat infused in it, for massage every evening to try and break down the muscle tightness so that i can start stretching it again.
It's only 2 weeks til my next visit to the physio, but i certainly wont be at the point she suggested by the time i see her.
But, although i have been through a lot of discomfort over the last few weeks, the extra strength and stability i can feel in my knee gives me great encouragement that i will be back to walking again before the end of the year...
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