
Help Simon with his medical costs - every cent helps...

Monday, March 12, 2012

Police stations...

If you had mentioned the words "police station" to me 2 weeks ago, i would have been terrified, but now they were a happier place to start my journey to hospital.
I needed a police affidavit to say that i had no job and no income, which i needed to take with to the hospital in order to receive my treatment on the public health system.
A reference letter from a local doctor was needed, and then i was set to go.
A trip to reception to get my file from the hospital, and then a meeting with the guy who i had been liasing with over the internet, and then to join the queues of people waiting to get seen.
A wait i was certainly prepared to do, after all the waiting i had been doing in the DR!
1 week til i find out exactly what the prognosis for the future is...
Until then, to try and lead as normal a life as possible, with as much time spent in and around the swimming pool as my untanned skin can handle...


  1. Good to read that there is the proverbial silver-type lining,wish you a speedy recovery Punk!!

  2. Just about to head off Japan dude - and I have travel insurance thanks to you! ;p
    VERY good to hear you're safely out of DR

  3. Thanx guys.
    Enjoy ur safer travels Stevo!
