
Help Simon with his medical costs - every cent helps...

Thursday, February 9, 2012

The perfect system...!

Managed to get hold of my lawyers on tuesday.
Didn't post any more news because it was just the same sad story being repeated all over again!
Except it has changed a little again from the previous time.
I was told that the insurance company wont answer the phones or return the calls of my lawyers once again!
This from one of the biggest insurers around. And after they apparently told us just 1 week ago that they will sit down and talk with us this week. Again. This is now the 3rd time they have said this since the beginning of the year!
I'm beginning to feel as though i am being taken for an idiot here!
Well, maybe past the point of that to be honest!
Apparently the only way we can get hold of them, is if my lawyer drives up to Santo Domingo, the capital, 2h away, and demands to be seen.
Well there is a solution then! So i asked him please to do that?
No can do. Too busy with other cases. His partner, who apparently has the time, wont go, even though he has asked him to...??!
This totally puzzles me. My lawyers are on a 30% commission, paid to them once these cases get resolved. So, surely there's the incentive to take a day to drive up there and sort this out??
Apparently not!
So, here we sit...waiting for something to happen while i quickly run out of funds to survive here!
Great system here. Really looks after the people who need it!
And that is all i have to say about that...


  1. My Si,

    Apologies for the delay, my bad!!

    I hope the donation helps and will send more in March.

    Keep kuul and enjoy the little party, the big one is waiting for you ;)

    J x 3

  2. Thoughts and lottery wishes for tonight! Your Aussie based sponsors want you out of the DR yesterday :)

  3. Thanx guys!
    I want me out of the DR yesterday as well!
    Good luck on the lottery Stevo!
    Praying you pitch up to fly me outta here business class in the next week!
    That'd make an interesting ending to proceedings!
    Thanx Jay.
    Much appreciated.
