Well, a few more days of nothing much to report.
Still doing my exercises on my knee every morning, and have had 2 more sessions of electrodes on my quad area. With the knee exercises i am almost able to lift my leg without help now. Not quite, but another week or so and i should be strong enough.
My lawyer phoned the other day and told me he will be submitting all the legal documents for both cases on monday next week. This will mean that it is then up to the parties concerned to get back to us.
The insurance company will do so at their leisure, but realistically speaking, should be sooner rather than later, as they will not go to court, and still have the other case of the death to deal with.
The driver has a court date with us end Jan, beginning Feb, so should know by the end of Feb what i will be getting from him?
Still no word on accommodation? A few things in the pipeline, but then they evaporate again.
Managed to get an internet connection sorted now. Not cheap, and not very fast, but at least i am always connected now.
One of my ex-colleagues form the dive centre was just here for a visit. Said that a friend of his who is a doctor has looked at my xrays, and said that the reason that the 1 screw in my hip looks offset is because it is broken. Which is probably why they put a second one in! But this is apparently not serious.
He also said that the pin in my tibia is not long enough!
And also added that where the bones meet, where they have repaired the tibia, should be closer together than what they are!
And as for the fibula, he was not impressed either.
So, all in all, his opinion was, not a very good job!
He has asked to see better xrays though, so my colleague has taken away the 2 new xrays to make proper photo's and send them to him. So will hopefully have a proper 2nd opinion in the next few days...
I dunno where that leaves me to be honest, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
Other than that, not much else going on. Finding myself frustrated that i am still in this accommodation. Really wish something would open up and i can move into somewhere i can settle in properly. Want to unpack all my bags, hang my clothes up (well, get someone to do it for me), and feel like i am home.
I still feel like i am in a transition place. Want to feel like i am settled desperately.
Ah well...patience is one lesson i have come to learn even more than i already knew, through all this...
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